I realized countless things over the last several months, more than everything I had accumulated over 25 years of my life. First, I'm small. and nothing. They say your future is yours to conquer. With ideals like this, I've come to feel like I'm on a mission reminiscent of the days of imperialism. The "I can do it spirit," whereby the fruits subsequent of the possible successes only glorify self and solidify the conviction in "my" talents and efforts. It's such an optimistic mindset that society plants in us. I, too, had been a blind follower of such philosophy, but thank the Lord for allowing me to hear His voice once again. For nearly all my life, I had been going to church, but never have I felt such a connection and clarity over who He is. I dare not say I know much, and am thus thrilled to learn more about Him. He is beginning to pop up in my thinking and in my actions, and these are the times when I realize "ah.. this is what WWJD is," remembering the moments back in middle school when everyone was wearing those fad bracelets. And yet I'm still far behind, but I'm just happy with this transition as I'm beginning to realize that every talent, gift, and blessing come from Him.
Thank you, JC.
I will just follow. Let this be my motto for the rest of my life :) Also, I'm excited to learn more about human trafficking at Backyard Academy. After that, a trip back home. And after that, preparation upon preparation for things to finally take their place.