It’s been so long since I have written in this. Right now I’m in my third year in business school, drowning in the stress of recruiting for a job. But I’m at a better place now than two weeks ago. At least I’m done with interviews— though I’m anxiously waiting for the fate of the second one. It’s good to know I’m almost done with school. I have also been admired to the China global immersion program in March which I’m looking forward to.
Besides that, love of my life aka Liam is now 4.5 years old (almost). He does the most ridiculous things like making fart noises a while sticking out his butt at me, sometimes spreading his buttcheeks to truly display... fart. His favorite phrase is “poo poo per pee 코딱지 방구” to which he cracks up by himself immediately after. He can write his name in English, count to 100, and speaks both English and Korean. Love that he is picking up language so fast considering I didn’t teach him any English. Liam hates sleep and will fight it all the way till he can’t keep his eyes open. And he likes dancing especially with my sister. Liam has a weird addiction to 강냉이 Korean popcorn. More later!