Thursday, July 26, 2012

Books continued

4. Sputnik Sweetheart -Haruki Murakami

Loved it.

5. Are You There, Vodka? It's Me, Chelsea -Chelsea Handler

Never actually laughed out loud while reading until I opened this one.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Wow Summer,

Seriously I don't remember it being THIS hot in Korea last year. The last few days have been deadly sun-strong and I have been walking around with my sun umbrella, sunglasses, SPF 50 BB creme, and another SPF 50 sunscreen underneath that... oh and not to mention SPF 100 on my arms, neck, and feet. (Dark feet is pretty gross when the rest of your body is a fair olive. And mind you, my feet and forehead are the first to turn toasty. Sad but very true) I love and adore sunny days but somehow Korea turned into a whole different animal and I suffer from this beast of summer.

In the past few days, I got to hang out with old church friends... ones that I grew up in since middle school. We all have been apart for so many years across the seas and such, but there wasn't a hint of awkwardness. It reminded me of the fun I had back in the good ole days. We visited my favorite place in the world for the second time in Hong-dae called 밤과 음악사이. 90s music all the way! I'm so happy to be part of this generation. Everytime I go to hongdae, I feel this energy that I can get nowhere else and the day played out perfectly as we all enjoyed ourselves over drinks and M-style dancing. LOVED it.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Family Trip

I went on my first family trip with the in-laws. It was actually way better than expected and fun in a relaxing way. Going there was a drag, for the drive took an hour and a half longer than expected. Anyway we had 막국수 on the way... Um so whatevers. Then we got to the cute pension that 도련님 reserved for us. It was like petit prince and there was a little stream nearby.
We played volleyball in the water and had a bet going on with my father in law. Me, hubby, and dohbby (도련님) against my father in law.

Then we barbecued 삼겹살 and ate all the banchan and jjigae that my mother in law prepared. The meal was absolutely lovely and couldn't have asked for a better night. We ended the day with 신품 haha my dohbby's favorite.

Monday, July 2, 2012

16. Hunger Games: Pretty good.
17. Snow White and the Huntsmen: Horrible waste of time, but beautiful cast. Charlize Theron, you are drop-dead gorgeous.
18. This Means War: I just love Reese. And that is all. haha
19. Kung-fu Panda2: I've shown this movie during break time for three of my classes now. I think I can safely claim that I've watched this.
20. Korea: this screamed CJ entertainment. I hope they stop following the formula because even the way they insinuate 감동 is so mechanical. So now with that said, it was okay good hah. Gawd I'm east.
21. Avengers
22. Unknown
23. Dark Knight Rises: finally saw it! But the second one is way better. Way creepier. And way more lasting.