Monday, July 2, 2012

16. Hunger Games: Pretty good.
17. Snow White and the Huntsmen: Horrible waste of time, but beautiful cast. Charlize Theron, you are drop-dead gorgeous.
18. This Means War: I just love Reese. And that is all. haha
19. Kung-fu Panda2: I've shown this movie during break time for three of my classes now. I think I can safely claim that I've watched this.
20. Korea: this screamed CJ entertainment. I hope they stop following the formula because even the way they insinuate 감동 is so mechanical. So now with that said, it was okay good hah. Gawd I'm east.
21. Avengers
22. Unknown
23. Dark Knight Rises: finally saw it! But the second one is way better. Way creepier. And way more lasting.

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