On our fourth year of marriage, hubs and I have become so "married" that I often wonder how it felt to be dating the romantic HJC (my hub's initials). So before my memory wears out on me, I want to forever cherish those moments that I thought would last forever.
Things he would do when we were dating:
- Every Sunday evening, we would go to Emart to get my groceries for the week at his expense. He would buy and carry them up three flights of stairs.
- Every morning, I would wake up to find a bible verse texted to my phone. So each and every day that I was with him, I would begin my day thinking about God.
- He would often pick me up from yoga late in the evening to buy me a very nourishing but fattening meal such as 삼계탕. He always fed me so well.
- He would pay for all my medical bills when I never asked him to.
- He was the most gentle creature I had ever met. And he still is.
- He has always placed my wants and needs wayyy before his.
- He would come and see me for ten minutes during my break time at work to get me coffee.
- He was my driver and happily so. Coming my tutor's house at the end of my session to drive me to work right away, saving me the trip of riding in the subway and transferring three times.
- His eyes lit up when he saw me. People have told me so quite often as well. I took this for granted.
Thanks for the good memories & your thoughtfulness. I feel like we've been dating ever since we married though. Would you go on a date with me tonight after I tuck him in? I love you baby.