Sunday, February 5, 2012


I've been so sick the past couple days that we wasted our weekend suffering and watching garbage "Spartacus." (It is so sexually explicit that I can't take it. I feel disgusting afterwards) Anyhow, we did manage to go to church and then to his family's house to celebrate 보름날, which means the 15th day of the lunar year. It is actually tomorrow but because it is Sunday, we decided today would be best. On this day, we're supposed to eat 나물 and 오곡밥 as a sign of replenishing our health for the next year. (오곡밥 is rice with five different types of beans) The 나물 and 오곡밥 are supposed to provide nutrition to recover from the harsh season of winter.  This year, however, winter has been especially brutal as it is still freezing. My mother-in-law made 9 different types of 나물, 오곡밥, and 감자탕.  It was yummers :9

This is a picture of the 나물 that she packed for us.. Yum~

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