Oh have I neglected you once again. Ugh.. so sorry ㅠㅠ. Anyways, this past weekend, I did a housewarming party with all of his aunts. We already did a housewarming party with all of my relatives actually before we got married so we figured it was their turn. I prepared 무쌈, 고기, 낚지복음, 미역국, and salad. My mother-in-law who came three hours before to help me brought a whole buffet of food. I literally did maybe 10% of the entire menu. It was a party of 13 people including ourselves. I think my 시어머니 felt very proud as the relatives complimented me for arranging such a gathering. Of course they knew I didn't prepare most of it, but I did play the part with the 압치마 and the 겸손한 며느리 attitude. Anyways, doing good to the in-laws can be rewarding--
Why do I say that? Because you don't know how much happiness you bring them with a simple phone call, let alone a housewarming party with the mother-in-laws siblings and spouses who are, by the way, much older than my mother-in-law, and are grandmothers and grandfathers themselves. Especially because in my husband's family, there are no girls, I feel like they treat me so well. Anyway, we feasted. And we feasted well.
On another note:
Just Go With It: Finally on On-Demand. Oh by the way, "On-Demand" is a monthly based option that is added on you cable bill. It has a list of movies that you can watch whenever you want, albeit, limited in selection of course. Indeed the movie is a stupid featherweight but it takes you away to Hawaii. I know Hawaii is so ordinary but I'll always love it there. It is simple and polar opposite to a product done by a mastermind filmmaker, but such are my guilty pleasures. A similar type being
Mean Girls and such. ㅋ
credits: teaser-trailer.com |
I miss my family a lot. I miss being home home. Skyping with them only makes me want to go there more, not to mention sunny Cali winter weather. Seoul is so cold these days. News reports say that it reached an all-time low in 55 years in the month of February. Went down to -24 degrees Celsius. The b****, or the inevitable winters of Korea, is here to stay.
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